Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Watching My Weight

I've become a Weight Watchers member...again. I’ve always been a little overweight, especially in comparison to my friends. It’s never really been that much of an issue to me – my friends, boyfriend and family all seem to love me regardless of my body shape - however it’s got to the point where I no longer love me regardless of my body shape. That’s a sad thing for me to admit but it’s also a great thing to admit; now I know that I feel that way, I have 100% more motivation to do something about it, compared to 6 months ago, when I knew I wasn’t completely happy with how I looked, but I was happy to plod along through life, ignoring it. I did sign up to Weight Watchers Online at some point, maybe mid-May? But without the motivation to lose weight, it never really worked for me, so come October, I cancelled my account and put the £10 that I would’ve spent on membership each month towards a beauty box subscription (JolieBox, for those who are interested).

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, and I decided to give it another go (not just because of the constant emails I was always receiving from Weight Watchers, despite cancelling my account). I must admit, I did well for the first 4 days and then sort, well, fell off the bandwagon. I blame it completely on my lack of routine; I spend some time at home with mum, some time at my boyfriend’s house and now I am back in Oxford for the last term of Uni…before going home again for my birthday on Thursday…and then back to Uni on Monday…and then to London the week after…you see? No structure! I have told myself that from next Monday, I WILL stick to it and I WILL ultimately find myself with a body I’m happy with. Basically, I want to not dread that moment when Facebook tells me 'So-and-so has tagged you in _ photos' (don't we all?).
I’ve decided I’ll do a weekly weigh-in post, probably titled ‘Wednesday Weigh-In’ or something terrible like that. Will I stick to it? I hope so! I feel that if I make a commitment to something like this through such a public forum, I’ll have even more motivation to stick to it. That, and all those amazing spring/summer trends that keep popping up in my email inbox.

Hopefully doing it the online way will avoid situations like this one...

Wish me luck!

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