Monday, 9 January 2012

Blogging Re-Birth

So here I am, throwing myself back into the blogging world once more. Just over a year ago I started writing a blog about, well, about not a lot really. I posted about 5 times, but to be quite honest, I just didn't have enough to say; there was no direction for it, I didn't start out with any idea of what I would talk about and it just didn't seem particularly interesting to me. I was newly-broken-hearted at the time, and I seemed to ramble on an awful lot about that (breaking up with a boyfriend of 4 years is not fun, and I've come to realise that  it's even less fun reading about it). However, not long after my last post, me and the ex decided to give things another go. Now, I can imagine anyone who is reading this would recoil in horror at the idea of going back to an ex, but we're approaching the first anniversary of our 'new' relationship - living proof that a broken relationship can be fixed, with hard work and a little time.

Within the last two months, I've become addicted to reading the blogs of other people, particularly beauty blogs. Now, if you know me, you'll know that I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to things like fashion and beauty, BUT I'm slowly starting to take a little more pride in my appearance. So many of the blogs I read credit the internet for their impeccable knowledge on beauty and fashion, and I'm slowly learning about it all, bit by bit. I'll get there one day! The boyf seems quite bemused at the amount of time I spend watching beauty 'vlogs', but I let him get on with his gaming habit and he lets me carry on with mine.

I am a complete media junkie, though. I buy most magazines going, both weekly and monthly ones (my bank balance suffers greatly due to this habit), and from this you can probably work out that I'm a complete media gossip whore lover. Studying a degree in media does help a little, but unfortunately I spend less time reading magazines and watching tv, and more time studying Freud's complicated ramblings and writing about feminism, contrary to popular beliefs about my 'Mickey Mouse course'. I'm about to enter the final semester of my final year (eek!) which terrifies me a little A LOT. My dissertation is due in two and a half months and the mere thought of that makes me want to have a mini break-down. Setting up a new blog at this time, when I'm supposed to be doing a lot of academic writing, is probably not the smartest idea I've ever had, but at least it'll be a little more productive form of procrastination  than painting my nails!

Here goes...x


  1. welcome back. I too use my blog for some of the same reasons. I look forward to reading some more :) x

    1. Thank you! Fingers crossed I can be a bit more entertaining this time, haha :) x

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